Monday, March 26, 2012

What Is Mobile Marketing?

Seems like a simple enough question especially for those early
adopters that have already been hard at work creating a mobile
marketing platform. As a social media marketing agency, we
sometimes forget that not everyone is equally well versed as our
clients. Case in point, the question "What is mobile marketing?"
is actually the third most popular search term related to mobile
marketing. Why is this significant? For several reasons. First,
it demonstrates the fact that small business owners are still not
really sure what mobile marketing is or what it can do for their
business. Of course, if someone isn't really sure what mobile
marketing actually is, there is a higher than average probability
that they have no idea how to implement it as part of their
overall outreach strategy.

Today, we are going to cover the basics of mobile marketing as
part of a social media marketing strategy. According to none
other than Facebook CEO Zuckerberg, the future of social IS
mobile so it should come as no surprise that the two are very
closely related. While it is possible to implement a social media
marketing campaign without the use of mobile marketing, almost by
definition, mobile marketing is highly intertwined with that of
social. So the first thing most small business owners will need
to know is that mobile marketing is part of a social media
marketing strategy. When evaluating who will design, implement
and evaluate a mobile marketing campaign - search for a social
media marketing company with a proven track record of success.

Now that you know where to turn for help, it's time to begin
planning and preparing an overall mobile marketing strategy which
compliments your overall social media marketing campaign. While
mobile marketing mimics standard marketing in many ways, there
are some very important differences to keep in mind.

Current & Future Reach

One of the first bits of information you will want to know is
the percentage of current visitors that access your site via
mobile devices versus traditional desktop/laptop. The variability
tends to be quite high and often reflects the type of business or
service; for example, retail establishments frequently see as
much as half (50%) of all traffic derived from mobile access
whereas many service industries may see as "little" as 15% of
traffic derived from mobile access. Whatever the percentage, keep
the growth rate of mobile in mind when designing for future
access. Mobile access via cell phone, tablet or other device is
one of the fastest growing methods of accessing any type of
information today. For those that are unsure what percentages of
clients currently use mobile access, Google Analytics or your
current social media marketing firm is a great place to begin. 

Monday, March 19, 2012


App SEO Juice

There are hundreds of thousands of apps out there in mobile cyberspace.  And with gaming set as the top-selling mobile app category, it’s not often that smart phone users are going to come across your small business apps of their own accord.
So give your apps a little juice to make them more accessible and visible to consumers.  Here’s how:
Make it the App-le of Google’s Eye
According to, Google is the most popular search engine out there, with over 700 million more unique visitors thus far this month than its nearest competitor.  When consumers Google the name of a small business you’re working with, you want them to find – and immediately be able to download – the app you’ve created.  So what’s the best way to go about getting your app in Google’s top searches for that company name?
An App by any Other Name is Just Plain Silly
Rule #1 in the mobile app search engine optimization world is to assign a name for your app that is easily identifiable and pertains to the company it is being used for.  Therefore, naming your app “World’s Awesomest App” isn’t going to give anyone a clear idea of what kind of app it is – not to mention, a search for “world’s awesomest app” will result in lists of iPhone’s most popular apps, which sad to say, is likely not where your small business app lies.
So be sure – and we can’t emphasize this enough – to use the company’s brand name in the name of your mobile app so it’s identified and associated with exactly what it should be.  Best of all, this practice makes the app easier to find in Google Search and displays as the anchor text in both the App Store and Android Market.  If someone comes across your app there, they’ll know exactly what they’re going to get when they click on the link.
Similarly, you don’t want to create generic links to your app that say things like “click here.”  Because if you Google “click here,” chances are you won’t find your mobile app anywhere.  In fact, the first thing you’ll find is a download for Adobe Reader!  So be sure to use phrases like “Download the Rad Boutique iPhone App Here,” or “Get the Stamp Collector Heaven App for Android” that hyperlink to your app.  Again, emphasizing the brand gives Google a gentle nudge to find your app when the brand name is searched.
Power of the Press
If you happen to send out a press release to the local media announcing your new app, use the branded anchor text and link it to the download page for your app.  If the release goes out online, that makes it easy-peasy for people to have immediate access to your creation.
Send your Apps Home
This may seem easy as app SEO pie, but you’d be surprised at the number of companies who forget to link their home page to their app.  If you want your app to be easy to find, don’t make consumers navigate through a labyrinth of confusing pages and links to find it!
The same goes for the company’s mobile site.  Smart phone users don’t want to scroll and try to get their sausage fingers to navigate through pages of tiny links just to locate your app…attention spans are short these days.  So make sure the company links to your app from the top of the mobile site, and even the top of their desktop home page for convenience, simplicity and blaring visibility.  Not only will this get your app downloaded more often, but it will actually help Google recognize your app as well, with the newly introduced Smartphone Googlebot web crawler.  Just make sure you’re linking to the app with strong anchor text instead of images, or the web crawler won’t recognize it.
Social Media
Ever notice how when you Google something these days, you’re finding Facebook pages popping up?  That’s because social media is a great way to advertise your app and give it a boost in Google’s search rankings.  Each time you put out a new app, add the download URL to your Facebook profile, your LinkedIn profile, Google Plus, Pinterest, your personal blog, and anywhere else you can to give it more visibility.
Now you know how to optimize your apps for Google Search, which makes it easier for consumers to find and download your apps – how ’bout them app-les?

Monday, March 12, 2012

How to Search For Apps

On the front of every smart phone is an App Store.  When you go into the app store you will see a little magnifying glass in the corner. When you click on the magnifying glass a search box appears and you can type in either the name of the subject you are looking for or the specific name of the App.

App Trends ... Are you ready?

As we are already seeing Apps are the new trend in mobile convenience.

The question now facing many businesses and organizations is "should I create an app for my business?"  If so, what type of App?  An informational App,  a specific product app, or something new that isn't related to our website or products?

As this particular blog post is not going to deal with these questions, they are very important questions and will be addressed in following posts.  But for now, we are going to look at mobile App trend statistics that speak volumes of opportunity to businesses and organizations who want to take their products and causes viral.

Mobile Apps or Mobile Websites?

 Bit-Wizards Posted this article on their blog concerning the mobile usage and the new trend of both Mobile Apps and Mobile Websites.  It is an interesting read to give businesses a heads up when it comes to making the choice of one or another.  Thanks Bit-Wizards

As growth in mobile technology continues, with estimations of nearly two billion Internet-enabled mobile devices by the year 2013, companies are being forced into thinking about the creation of mobile-friendly versions of their websites and or applications. The decision to adapt to the mobile platform is completely dependent on your objectives, your budget, your potential market, and most importantly, the needs of your users. With mobile usage growing exponentially, it’s not a question of whether you should adapt to the mobile platform, but how.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

How Apps Help Grow Your Business

How Appification Helps Grow Your Business

Year of Dragon PhoneIt may be the Year of the Dragon,  but according to a recent article published in the Nieman Journalism Lab, 2012 is the year that consumers get “appified” and start using mobile apps more than traditional websites for all their news and entertainment.  And really, why wouldn’t they?  With iPhones, iPads, Kindles and more riding in our pockets and updating themselves 24-7, we’re becoming a lazy race, lifting just one finger for everything we need, from games to movies to social interaction.
For mobile app developers and resellers, however, it’s time to get busy.  Not everyone’s using the same apps or even the same kind of devices, which opens up an epic realm of possibilities.  Journalist Nicholas Carr even suggests that the versioning of apps is a new way to profit from this wave of appification.

Forecasts and Epic Growth

Forecasts, Predictions and the Epic Growth of Mobile

As we all know, mobile technologies are not just fleeting trends like slouch socks or laser discs – the mobile world is here to stay and begs for companies to rethink both their marketing strategies and their customer communications.
This puts mobile app developers and resellers at a great advantage!  With job security and opportunities for creativity and growth within the field, you’re in the perfect position to take the mobile world by storm.
It’s All in the Numbers
Don’t believe us?  Well, here’s a little more fuel for your app-developing fire.  As cited by Gigaom, a recent study conducted by Forrester Research estimates that a third of the money spent in the technology realm will be mobile in just four years.  This means even more people will become comfortable with downloading mobile apps and using apps to make purchases from businesses worldwide, keeping you gainfully employed, if not furiously busy.
The study also forecasts that mobile apps will generate $56 billion by 2015 – and a piece of that action is all yours if you continue to develop and grow your skills.

R U Marketing on Mobile?

RU Marketing on Mobile?

A great way to engage consumers, get them to use your mobile apps and increase profits for the companies you work with is to cater to their hobbies.  And with their fingers tapping and thumbs wagging away, something consumers are participating in more and more with their free time is texting.
Look Who’s Texting
They wear skinny jeans, they won’t move out, and according to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center, 18- to 24-year-olds send and receive as many as 110 auto-corrected text messages per day.
However, it’s 25- to 34-year-olds who are responding the most to text message marketing, with the highest average participation rate of any age group at approximately 58%.  If you think about it, it all makes sense-those who are just getting their careers on track and starting families probably buy (and at the same time need to save) the most.  So when a local business shoots them a text with an offer code to save 20% at their favorite boutique, mom-and-pop hardware store or family travel agency, it’s a great incentive to get them in the door.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Kahn Academy

If you are a student you need this App!  

Whether it's Math, Science, Humanities and more you can learn about anything with Khan Academy -- and learn it for free!  

The Khan Academy Apps are the perfect supplement to any subject you need help in.  I personally have used the apps and they are very helpful!  

The Kahn Academy website is also helpful as it offers a library of over 2,600 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 303 practice exercises, we're on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.

I found 11 apps on iTunes and they have both apple and android platforms.  So download Khan academy and get the help you're looking for! 

Khan Academy: A Classroom In Your Pocket

By Irynsoft

Open iTunes to buy and download apps.

Monday, February 13, 2012

I'm An Organizing Junkie App

I'm an Organizing Junkie App

Are you constantly surfing the net to find just the right organizing site or tool for you?  If so, have I found an app for you!

"I'm An Organizing Junkie" is the closest online organizer I can find to duplicate (or at least try) my favorite organizing book:  Get Your Act Together, by the Slob Sisters.   Yes, that's the title!  And by far it is the funniest (I actually fell off the couch reading it because I was laughing so hard.) and best guide  for the overworked, overbooked, and overwhelmed!.  Ok enough about the book, let's get back to the App.

Before we get into the details of the App, it is notable to add that this App accompanies an incredible organizing website that teaches you "how to organize" and then tells you how you can put your new talent to work for you with an instant download, free 32 page course on how to make $50.00 per hour as a Professional Organizer.   This is a win-win App!

Monday, February 6, 2012


If you don't have Pandora you don't have music!  This amazing app connects you to Pandora Radio for free (or you can upgrade), allows you to choose your favorite genre and artists, give a thumbs up or down depending on your taste, and ultimately creates one of the best pod listening experiences on the market!  Catch this App and catch your music wave!  

ITunes Description:  

Pandora Radio

By Pandora Media, Inc.

Open iTunes to buy and download apps.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

App Trends

Mobile App Trends from 2011

At the start of a new year, it’s natural to look back on the year gone by and take note of significant trends or topics.

Fortunately for mobile app developers, a couple of trends reached important turning points in 2011, and indicate a potential for considerable sales increases in 2012.

The first trend was the the shift from desktop and laptop computers to mobile devices. In 2011, for the first time ever, sales of mobile devices outpaced computers. Increases in mobile devices means increased demand for mobile apps, which brings us to our second trend -

People spent more time in mobile apps than Internet browsers. For example, instead of opening a Safari window to access Facebook, people used apps on their mobile devices. As the graph shows, as of June,people spent 74 minutes a day in Internet browsers, and 81 minutes per day in mobile apps. The number of minutes spent in apps nearly doubled from the previous year, from 43 to 81 minutes.

As these trends continue, people will be looking for mobile apps that entertain, organize, and keep them connected with their friends and family.

Post taken from my private site:  GoMobileSolutions

Complete Class Organizer App

If you are a student like I am, or if you take classes outside of the University this App absolutely revolutionizes your life!

All you do is add you classes, put in your homework due dates and you are ready to go.  Every time you go to class you click add session and it automatically posts the date of the session.  Then within your session you can chose notepad, draw pad, record.  It's amazing to be able to keep all your notes in one place and paper free!  It even has symbols for math classes!  It also records and snycs the audio to your notes!

Read the preview below and get this app!

Complete Class Organizer - Student Version

By AnimalBrainz Inc

Open iTunes to buy and download apps.

Complete Class Organizer - Student Version

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Numbers Are Up!

Numbers are Up for Mobile App Downloads

Be prepared for your mind to be blown—unless, of course, you’ve discovered this information already.  Drum roll please….according to Flurry Analytics, there were approximately—wait for it—1.2 billion mobile app downloadsduring the last week of 2011.

It just goes to show you that the mobile app market continues to strengthen, with more people upgrading to smart phones each day.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Are You App Savvy?


How long ago was it that you were running home to print a map quest before driving to a local event?
Today, I'm not running home, I am running to my phone!  Are you?

My phone teaches me to pray, teaches me to run a 5K, sings to me, organizes me, banks me, in fact it is the only thing in my life that is truly "all about my me."  And I think many who have smart phones can relate.

Yet, this blog is not just about me and my apps, its about you and your future as an entrepreneur,  a professional, a leader, a networker, and a ____________ (you fill in the blank).

Mobile Apps are quickly becoming the number one marketing source available to businesses, organizations, and individuals.

In today's ever changing technology Mobile Apps offer something websites and other forms of media can't -

1) GPS locator that drives business to your door
2) Push Notifications that instantly informs your market of specials, sales, meetings, and emergencies
3) Instant information without the hassell of web surfing and searching
4) QR and GPS Coupon advantages that make it easier for your customers to decide where to go when making purchases.

These are just a sampling of benefits derived from mobile apps ... but the greatest of all is the reality that a company or organization who has their own mobile apps is likely to grow their market presence over 50% in 2012 compared to 2011.

The posts on this new blog are here to help you gain the information you need to become App Savvy.

I will be posting on cool apps that everyone should know about as well as business trends and mobile app technical information.

Make sure you sign up to get App Savvy!

App Savvy Blogger,

Kim Johnson

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