Thursday, March 8, 2012

Forecasts and Epic Growth

Forecasts, Predictions and the Epic Growth of Mobile

As we all know, mobile technologies are not just fleeting trends like slouch socks or laser discs – the mobile world is here to stay and begs for companies to rethink both their marketing strategies and their customer communications.
This puts mobile app developers and resellers at a great advantage!  With job security and opportunities for creativity and growth within the field, you’re in the perfect position to take the mobile world by storm.
It’s All in the Numbers
Don’t believe us?  Well, here’s a little more fuel for your app-developing fire.  As cited by Gigaom, a recent study conducted by Forrester Research estimates that a third of the money spent in the technology realm will be mobile in just four years.  This means even more people will become comfortable with downloading mobile apps and using apps to make purchases from businesses worldwide, keeping you gainfully employed, if not furiously busy.
The study also forecasts that mobile apps will generate $56 billion by 2015 – and a piece of that action is all yours if you continue to develop and grow your skills.
How to Approach New Clientele
Find new ways to entice clients by using more of the research study’s estimations!
  • Many businesses are still more comfortable with snail mail, rotary phones and paper faxes, but using predictions from Forrester Research, you can remind them that by 2016, approximately 1 billion consumers will own smart phones.  In terms that hit closer to home, that’s a pretty substantial percentage of a company’s customers.  Businesses with old-school technologies need you even more to help guide them through the process of getting in touch and in tune with the rapidly progressing mobile world so they can better reach a new generation of customers.
  • As suggested by the research study, companies may just start appointing chief mobility officers to help manage the variety of necessary mobile apps needed for their business.  It’s adapt or become extinct – those companies with no mobile app should really get started by hiring you to create one now!
  • Mobile apps are proven to help boost customer satisfaction and improve company productivity by reducing the number of phone calls coming in, such as in the case of Aflac.  This insurance company’s data reveals that approximately 25 million calls have been handled through a mobile app – how great is that?
This research can not only help you with your sales pitch, but it gives us all a refreshing reminder about how lucrative our business really is.  So get out there and prove Forrester right – let’s make those predictions – and dollars – come to fruition!
 Original Post GoMobileSolutions

1 comment:

  1. Hello:

    I really like it. Hope you make lot of money...



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