Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Numbers Are Up!

Numbers are Up for Mobile App Downloads

Be prepared for your mind to be blown—unless, of course, you’ve discovered this information already.  Drum roll please….according to Flurry Analytics, there were approximately—wait for it—1.2 billion mobile app downloadsduring the last week of 2011.

It just goes to show you that the mobile app market continues to strengthen, with more people upgrading to smart phones each day.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Are You App Savvy?


How long ago was it that you were running home to print a map quest before driving to a local event?
Today, I'm not running home, I am running to my phone!  Are you?

My phone teaches me to pray, teaches me to run a 5K, sings to me, organizes me, banks me, in fact it is the only thing in my life that is truly "all about my me."  And I think many who have smart phones can relate.

Yet, this blog is not just about me and my apps, its about you and your future as an entrepreneur,  a professional, a leader, a networker, and a ____________ (you fill in the blank).

Mobile Apps are quickly becoming the number one marketing source available to businesses, organizations, and individuals.

In today's ever changing technology Mobile Apps offer something websites and other forms of media can't -

1) GPS locator that drives business to your door
2) Push Notifications that instantly informs your market of specials, sales, meetings, and emergencies
3) Instant information without the hassell of web surfing and searching
4) QR and GPS Coupon advantages that make it easier for your customers to decide where to go when making purchases.

These are just a sampling of benefits derived from mobile apps ... but the greatest of all is the reality that a company or organization who has their own mobile apps is likely to grow their market presence over 50% in 2012 compared to 2011.

The posts on this new blog are here to help you gain the information you need to become App Savvy.

I will be posting on cool apps that everyone should know about as well as business trends and mobile app technical information.

Make sure you sign up to get App Savvy!

App Savvy Blogger,

Kim Johnson

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